
Thursday 13 August 2020

Thursday: Brazil Writing

Chicken Licken
Once upon a time there was a small chicken called Chicken Licken.
Chicken licken was in his garden minding his own business when
whack! an acorn fell from a tree branch and hitted him right on the
head “my goodness what was that” said Chicken Licken. Instead
of looking down chicken licken looked up and the only thing up was
the sky “ I think the sky is falling” cried Chicken Licken “I must run
and tell the king” and so Chicken Licken ran down the road to tell
the others. Soon he came to Henny Penny's house near the meadow
“ where are you hurrying off to” asked Henny “ The sky is falling”
shouted Chicken Licken “ I must tell the King”  “Well I will come to”
said Henny Penny.

So Chicken Licken and Henny Penny ran down the road to tell the
King. Soon they came to ducky lucky’s home near the river “where
are you two going” asked ducky lucky “The sky is falling and we
must tell the king” well I'll come to” said ducky lucky. So Chicken
Licken, Henny Penny and ducky lucky ran down the road to tell the
King. Soon they came to Goosey Lucy's home near the lake "where
are you three scampering off to" said goosey Lucy " The sky is
falling" replied Chicken licken "and I must tell the King"  " Well I'll
come to said Goosey Lucy. So Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, ducky
lucky and Goosey Lucy ran down the road to tell the King.

Soon they came to Turkey lurkey’s home near the corn field where are
you four scurrying off to” asked Turkey lurkey “The sky is falling and
we must tell the King” “Well I will come to” said Turkey lurkey. So
Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, ducky lucky,  Goosey Lucy and Turkey
lurkey ran down the road to tell the King. Soon they came to  Jakey
lake's home near the marsh. “Where are you five dashing off to” asked
Jakey lake “The sky is falling and we must tell the King” “Well I will
come to” said Jakey lake. So Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, ducky
lucky,Goosey Lucy, Turkey lurkey and Jakey lake ran down the road
to tell the King.

Soon they came to Cocky locky's home near the paddock " oh where
are you six going in such a hurry" said Cocky locky " The sky is falling
shouted chicken licken and I must tell the King" "Well I'll come to" said
Cocky locky. So Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, ducky lucky,Goosey
Lucy, Turkey lurkey, Jakey lakey and Cocky locky ran down the road
to tell the King.

soon they came to foxy locks home near the mountain " good afternoon
friends" said Foxy Loxy "where are you seven racing off to" "The sky is
falling" said chicken licken and I must tell the King" "that is quite serious
I know a shortcut right through the mountain to the palace" said foxy
loxy "follow me and we will tell  the king that the sky is falling and so
Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, ducky lucky,Goosey Lucy, Turkey lurkey,
Jakey lakey and Cocky locky all followed foxy loxy up the mountain
path and into a dark cave on the side of the mountain.

"are you sure this is a shortcut asked chicken licken of course hurry
now I'm so very hungry" "what did you say" asked Henny Penny "
nothing" said Foxy loxy. But chicken licken had a bad feeling. He looked
to his left and then he looked to his right. He gasped this is no shortcut
this is the fox's den quick run. Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, ducky
lucky,Goosey Lucy, Turkey lurkey, Jakey lakey and Cocky locky all ran
as fast as they could back the way they came out of the dark cave and
down the mountain. when they finally stopped running chicken licken
looked at each of his friends and asked did anyone remember where we
were going and everyone didn't know where we were going so they all
went back home.


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