
Friday 31 August 2018

The Poly Strong

The poly strong challenge is about that you can do any dance if you want to. today we did it out side. on that day we was having a good time with my frens.

Marama's Dog

Friday 24 August 2018

The great race

A woman from a Race was crawling to the finish line to win the race. She was complete exhaustion when she finish the race. She was so happy.

Thursday 23 August 2018

The All Black

Standing with mana the all black Started to do the haka. At the End they did a fierce pukana and scared the Other team away. At the end they was Proud and had a strength of a warrior. Standing with mana the all black Started to do the haka. At the End they did a fierce pukana and scared the Other team away. At the end they was Proud and had a strength of a warrior.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Weight Lifting

A Woman from the Olympics was Lifting Massive weight. As she was Lifting the massive weight she  Couldn't hold that much weight and crumpled to the ground. As she was on the ground she Slowly try to get up bat she Could not get up.     

Friday 10 August 2018

Ned and cozmo

On Monday morning it was Assembly. When we went to Assembly there was a surprise and the surprise was and man and his friend. There name’s was Ned and Cozmo. Ned and Cozmo was Helping Kenya to have a Clean water. Then Cozmo shod as same magic trick and it was so cool. Then Cozmo Ask Ned if he wanted to show the Keny teacher. After they show the Keny Teacher they side to as If you Smile you will answer a question if you get it right you will get a prize . Then cozmo got Choosing and cozmo Choose a Girl and a Boy and me Kolotita then he Axed as to Answer a question and I went Fast then I got it right and the Others got it right to Cosmo did more magic trick.