
Wednesday 7 April 2021

Wed: Response to Text

Facts about Easter


Highlight the correct answer for each question.


1.What is Easter? 

a) a new student at Pt England b) a Christian religious tradition

 c) A city in Mexico             d) A Christmas extra holiday

2. What does Good Friday mean?

a) Jesus died on the cross and his body was taken to a tomb

b) we have special discounts at the Malls

c) we have a great Friday at School

d) it’s a public holiday for only schools

3. Easter falls on different dates on the calendar.  How is it calculated? 

a) We choose a date from a hat.

b) Jacinda Ahern picks a date from the calendar 

c) Easter Sunday as the Sunday after the first full moon after the (northern hemisphere) spring equinox.

d)  When it falls on Mrs Sio’s birthday


4. Why do we have chocolate easter eggs? 

Answer: A lot of us may chomp on chocolate eggs at Easter, but originally eating eggs was not allowed by church leaders during the week leading up to Easter. So any eggs laid that week were saved and decorated to make them Holy Week eggs, that were then given to children as gifts.

5. Who are the main ideas in this text?

=> The main ideas in this text was about the celebration of Easter and How Jesus Christ DIed on the cross for us.

6. What did you not know about Easter, that you’ve learnt today?

→The thing that I did not know about Easter that I’ve learnt today is that the word "Easter" comes from a goddess named Eostre and her symbol was a rabbit. Eostre and the rabbit both symbolize fertility. Fertility means having lots and lots of babies so the easter rabbit represents new life.

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