Kaimoana (Seafood)
Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.
1. What is kaimoana?
a) Food that has been gathered from the sea b) Food sold by KFC
c) Food that has been gathered from the sky d) Food sold by McDonalds
2. What do pāua eat (consume)?
a) Kelp b) Fish
c) Seaweed d) Water
3. How many of the 270 fish species found inshore are endemic to New Zealand?
a) 11% b) 30%
c) no one knows d) 25%
4. True or False: “Kina are endemic to New Zealand meaning they are found all over the world.”
a) True b) False
5.How many different species of wheke (octopus) are there in New Zealand?
a) 51 b) 32
c) 42 d) 63
6. Which type of kaimoana would you like to try the most and why?
→ I would love to try Kina. It seems like it would taste amazing.